Graded locations

Listed buildings are graded in each location in this blog. Eg. Grade I, II* II of grade I is of most importance. Grade A relates to Scotland. See BLB

Thursday 10 September 2009


Note: Pareidolia describes a psychological phenomenon involving vague and random stimulus (often an image or sound) these descriptions are merely a suggestion of what we heard.

The use of paranormal equipment is known to be a form of pseudoscience.
In an attempt at getting spirit contact I use an Olympus DW-90 digital recorder (as shown on the right) I've been getting some responses like scratching but I am unsure if these are an anomaly of the recorder itself, if anyone else uses this piece of equipment and knows what these noise are please let me know as soon as you can - cheers.
Over the last few years we have had quite a lot of strange occurrences in the house, this is a recording I did in one of our rooms. We didn't notice the knocking sounds until I played it back on the software.  I was using an Olympus DW-90 digital recorder on normal mode and audacity software.
In this private terrace house I recorded what sounded like footsteps and cupboards doors opening and closing, there was definitely no one else in the house after I left.  On this recording, it does sound like a woman’s voice, the camera was left recording and we all vacated the house... when we got back we were shocked as to what we heard!  This was recorded in the room I had to sleep in all night!

Although Rich has a keener interest in UFO's than I do I captured this out of my bedroom window one night, not sure what it is, at first I was sure it was a police helicopter but we get copters over all the time but this looked totally different to what I was used to seeing, this had 3 lights and blue flashing ones that seemed to strobe to the ground in fine lines, 23 minutes hovering stationary in the sky. Like I said I thought it was a police helicopter but it was totally silent when it flew over my house which was very strange!

Recently it was cited by someone who I know who is in the army that this is a helicopter, apparently they do have stobing lights and quiet rotor blades. So, taking this at face fact and appealing to authority should I agree this is correct?

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